CRM Design and Development

We have built and deployed CRM solutions in many verticals with companies and not-for-profit organizations using a multi-tiered go-to-market strategy. These include direct sales, OEM, VAR, distributor, and referral arrangements. We can help build and deploy a solution that matches your unique sales strategies.

Model Your Market

Who are your constituencies that you need to access?

- Prospects
- Customers
- Partners
- Channels
- Industry Thought Leaders

To build and grow your business successfully, you need a comprehensive view of your ecosystem of prospects, customers, partners and channels. A CRM strategy is critical to this process. We can help you design and implement a solution that meets the unique need of your business and doesn’t break the bank. CRM does not have to be a huge expense. It just needs to built well, on a solid platform and in a way that is designed to grow and adapt with your company’s needs.

The most critical component is developing an understanding of the unique needs of your market. We will work with your leadership team to understand both your needs and wants and both the current and desired direction of the company, products, services and customer facing teams.

Define your Go-to-Market

How are you going to market?

- Direct
- Channels
- OEMs
- Geographic
- Industries
- Verticals
- Associations
- B2B, B2C

Design Your CRM to match your Go-to-Market

Design your CRM taking into account how you go to market today and how it might evolve in the future. We focus on tools that don’t require massive, expensive customization and are flexible enough to evolve and grow with your needs.